Maria Paula Pinto | +351963056556
English (UK)
English (UK)

About me


My interest in knowing all about cells in the human body led me to Biochemistry. It’s an amazing world to discover, always with something new to unravel.  I graduated in Biochemistry; I did my PhD in Biochemistry, and I teach Biochemistry in University. I still love biochemistry!

But something was missing. There was a deep, unconscious feeling that life was more than work, hobbies, family, friends, travels, study; that I was more than a wife, a mother, a daughter, student, a teacher. Are you familiar with this gut feeling?

When we search for something, the Universe presents us the opportunities. I took a course on Emotional Intelligence. First turning point in my life, it opened a whole new world – my magical inner world and the power of MEDITATION. I fell in love with BEING HUMAN! Now I wanted to know how I could help other Human Beings access this magic world. I took a certification in Life coaching and started facilitating coaching sessions. As a volunteer, I engaged on organizing and facilitating personal development workshops on a non-profit organization for about 10 years. I also took a certification as Coaching Trainer and collaborated with an International Organization to facilitate Coaching Trainings.

Life is always bringing us new challenges and there was a time when I lost my balance. This was when I started my journey into Mindfulness and Yoga. Second turning point in my life! I learned how to breathe!. I learned about mindful daily activities and Yoga lifestyle. I cultivated letting go of control and judgement. I reconnected with my inner magic world and my mission. I found peace within; I felt joy within; I felt myself again. I naturally followed to certificate as Mindfulness In-Me Master Trainer and a Yoga Teacher and engaged on facilitating Mindfulness In-Me trainings and yoga classes.

Evolution from Being Human to MINDFUL HUMAN is a blissful journey! I invite you to come aboard!

You mau know more about me here

Próximas Formações e Workshops em 2024 | Next Trainings and workshops in 2024

International Certification Mindfulness Intensive In-Me

International Certification Mindfulness Intensive In-Me - Maria Paula Pinto

30 H Online

Início a 12 de outubro de 2024

Objetivos: Introduzir práticas formais e não formais de Mindfulness na nossa vida diária. Fornecer estratégias para lidar de forma mais eficiente com os desafios da vida. Aumentar a consciência do momento presente. Promover o estilo de vida Yogi. Saiba mais aqui.


Outubro 12/10, 10:00 - 13:00; 23/10 e 30/10, 18:30 - 21:00 | Novembro 9/11,  10:00 - 13:00; 20/11 e 27/11, 18:30 - 21:00 | Dezembro 7/12, 10:00 - 13:00; 11/12 e 18/12, 18:30 - 20:30 | Janeiro 11/01/2025 10:00 - 13:00; 22/01 e 29/01, 18:30 - 20:30.

Possibilidade uma a duas sessões presenciais de acordo com disponibilidade dos/das participantes.

Inscrições aqui

Possibility of sessions with English language

Starting 12th October 2024

Aims: Introduce formal and non-formal Mindfulness practices into our daily lives. Provide strategies to deal more efficiently with life's challenges. Increase awareness of the present moment. Promote the Yogi lifestyle. More information here


October 12/10, 10:00 - 13:00; 23/10 e 30/10, 18:30 - 21:00 | November 9/11,  10:00 - 13:00; 20/11 e 27/11, 18:30 - 21:00 | December 7/12, 10:00 - 13:00; 11/12 e 18/12, 18:30 - 20:30 | Jnyary 11/01/2025 10:00 - 13:00; 22/01 e 29/01, 18:30 - 20:30.

 Enroll Here


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